Information on Demand Blog

Everything You Need To Know About Employment Screening Policies in 2021 And 2022

Written by Houston S. | Nov 18, 2021 2:48:00 PM

The background screening industry boomed in the first two decades of the twenty-first century. As concerns about safety and liability became more prevalent, an increasing number of companies made background screening a normal part of the hiring process.

Many organizations have had to adapt to a climate loaded with brand new procedures and safety protocols, and the workforce has been transitioned swiftly into uncharted territory in 2021. It has also impacted one of the most long-standing hiring safeguards, namely employment background screening.

It would be an understatement to say that hiring has been challenging in the last year. Companies have had to make changes along the process as they scramble to fulfill workforce requirements in the middle of a global pandemic.

The way we hire has evolved as a result of shifting from in-person to virtual hiring, leaning more on employment screening services and other changes.

As the pandemic subsides, some of the modifications will most likely return. Other new practices have been identified as time saves, and these will be implemented as HR teams continue to seek methods to make their jobs easier and better.

The newest employment screening policies for 2021 may have been formed out of urgency, but they will thrive because they function well for recruitment today and in the future. The following are some trends in employment background screening and employment screening policies to watch out for in 2021 and 2022.

1.    Background Check for Gig Workers

As a result of the pandemic and unpredictable economic future, the proportion of gig workers and freelancers has risen dramatically in recent years. Even if these people aren't full-time employees, they can pose a risk to a company hiring them, particularly if they have access to critical data.

Gig workers should be thoroughly verified and vetted, regardless of whether they work 10 hours a week or 40. As a result, in 2021 and 2022, HR professionals will require gig workers to go through a comprehensive background check, much like regular full-time employees.

2.    Remote Interviews

We have had a year to fix the issues and make remote interviews professional after being forced into virtual meetings and interviews overnight. The time saved commuting and the sheer ease have been a windfall for employers and job seekers alike.

Some recruiters have been fortunate enough to schedule prospects through remote feed and to have access to a recording of the interview to share with hiring managers afterward.

The capability to schedule several team members with a prospect, some remotely – some in-house, without having to worry about space in the meeting/conference room or managing schedules will almost certainly continue in the coming years.

3.    Leveraging AI

The technology that speeds the process faster than even the sharpest HR expert can is the unsung hero of employment screening.

Recruiters can now screen applications and resumes for minimal criteria in nanoseconds instead of minutes, giving them more time to focus on high-value operations like planning and interviewing and less time on monotonous duties.

The more advanced software grows in terms of screening for qualifications, eradicating bias from the recruiting process, and other features, the more reliable it will become and the more employers will rely on it.

4.    Greater Legal Scrutiny

With the focus still on bringing more people into the office, the need for accuracy and consent in conducting any background check has never been greater. Regardless of who a company recruits, they should be specialists in the continually changing regulations surrounding hiring and be able to offer accurate information.

A lawsuit from job applicants who lost their employment due to identity confusion or unlawful screenings has increased in the last year, garnering increasing attention from both federal and state judges, posing more risks for employers.

Companies can limit these risks and ensure a pleasant trip for everyone by collaborating with reputable professionals or thoroughly analyzing their approach step by step.

5.    COVID-19 Related Requirements

COVID testing for talent acquisition and hiring has become the norm. Employees are being required to get tested before being hired, on a routine basis if they work in certain roles, before returning to work, or if they become symptomatic. Businesses must strike a balance between the need to safeguard workers and the public and the accessibility to testing in their location. This trend may persist, at least in the short run.

Businesses will have to decide whether or not to mandate employees to get a COVID-19 vaccine before returning to on-premises employment in 2022. Guidelines may be explicit for employees in the healthcare, food service, and other similar essential services sectors. In other industries, businesses may have less help determining if vaccination and testing should be made mandatory for hiring and returning to the physical workplace.

Small firms should keep an eye on what their larger peers are proposing as they traverse this new screening protocol. Small and mid-sized businesses frequently wait to observe how employees respond to major employer requests for compliance. They can then use this information to determine what their next moves should be.

Final Word

The aforementioned trends in employment screening policies for 2021 and 2022 are a combination of technological advancements that were already gaining traction due to their increased efficiency and practical responses to a new work environment. Information on Demand can help your business in adapting to all of them.

Contact us today to make your employment background screening more efficient, secure, and accurate – three attributes of employee background checks that are always current.